The 3 Most Cool Robots That I Wanted to Have

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

1. Singer Robot ( HRP-4C Miim)

The HRP-4C is a female humanoid robot, created by the National Institue of Advanced Industrial Science and TEchnology- a Japanese research facility. An in-public demonstration was put on March 16, 2009. It measures 158 centimetres (5 feet, 2 inches) tall, and weighs 43 kilos (95 pounds) - including a battery pack. The robot's shape and joints are based on the 1997–1998 Japanese body dimension database. The HRP-4C has a realistic head, and the average figure of a young Japanese female. It can move like a human and responds based on speech recognition. It is capable of recognizing ambient sounds and, by using the vocal synthesizer Vocaloid, can sing. The software that operates the robot is developed on the basis of Open Robotics Platform (OpenRTP), including OpenRTM-aist and OpenHRP3. Recent upgrades have allowed HRP-4C to mimic human facial and head movements, as well as execute dance steps, resulting in the most realistic performance yet at Tokyo's Digital Content Expo in 2010.

Lucu nih, kayak di animasi-animasi Jepang gitu..

2.  Toyota Musical Robots

On December 6, several months after Toyota's DJ Robot ditched its entertainment career for a job as a receptionist and renamed itself "Robina," the auto giant unveiled a new, musically-inclined Partner Robot that can play violin. A total of 17 computer-controlled joints in its flexible arms and agile fingers allow the robot to hold the violin and correctly press the strings against the fingerboard with its left hand, while gently drawing the bow across the strings with its right hand. In a recital held at a Toyota showroom in Tokyo, the 152-centimeter (5-ft) tall humanoid entertained guests with a slightly robotic but technically adept rendition of "Pomp and Circumstance." The robot violinist is the latest addition to Toyota's ensemble of musical androids, which can also play trumpet, tuba, trombone, French horn and percussion. In addition to further developing its musical skills, Toyota aims to continue improving the robot's dexterity and coordination so that it can one day perform household chores.
Also unveiled at the demonstration was a new mobility robot -- a motorized chair that balances itself on a pair of self-adjusting Segway-like wheels that can roll smoothly over uneven surfaces and rough terrain. Intended as a personal transport system for the elderly, the mobility robot can run at a maximum speed of 6 kilometers per hour (3.7 mph) for 20 kilometers (12 miles) on a single battery charge, can handle 10-degree slopes, and is outfitted with sensors that allow it to avoid collisions with obstacles. Users can also summon the robot by remote control and use it as a porter to carry luggage.

Robot Violis, desainnya unik, warna putih, keren, pengen beud...

Here's the performance

Robot Pemain Terompet, desainnya hampir mirip sama yang Violis, unik ge..

 Also in Quartet Band...

Robot Band Kuartet, berasa kayak di film-film nih


Honda has been very silent about Asimo, its super-advanced humanoid robot, in recent years. After introducing the first version in 2000, Honda showed several versions through 2005, until the company finally took the wraps off a new version earlier today in Tokyo. This model is the thinnest, fastest, and most “intelligent” Asimo yet.
At 48kg, the Asimo that was shown today is 6kg lighter than the previous model. He now has 57 joints in his body (23 more) and walks at 9km/h (instead of 6km/h).
Honda says that Asimos’s improved “intelligence” makes it possible for the robot to track a conversation between different people, recognizing the faces and voices of everyone involved (even when several people speak simultaneously).
Another plus in the intelligence department: Asimo can now temporarily stop a certain action and resume it after performing a different task in between (for example opening a can of beer and pouring it into a glass – something, which wasn’t possible before either).

So, semua robot tersebut dibuat oleh Jepang, kapan Indonesia bikin ? Robot yang bisa maen gamelan ? Ntar deh gua bikinin, hahaha. Lagian ga nyambung juga, gua sekolah di SMA kimia tapi malah bikin robot.. ckck.
READ MORE - The 3 Most Cool Robots That I Wanted to Have

Seleb Cangak Part II

Lanjut ah...
Foto-foto seleb yang pada cangak, disini semua seleb lagi pada nyolot mukanya. ckck
@Almh. Amy WineH : Ada apa ini, ada apa ?

@unknown : ketawa apa kesetanan mbak ?

@JessieJ : ada sesuatu yang salah dengan foto ini, apa itu ?

@G. Bush : Perasaan mah presiden kalo ketawa ga gini-gini amat

@Leonardo DC : *sniff* *sniff* nyium "sesuatu"

@Selena Gomez : nyelow mbak, ntar kesrimpet

@Unknown : Ekpresinya mirip Riweuk Suju

@Kim KArdashian : personil Cherrybelle yang baru nih

@Charlotte Church : Nguapnya jangan lebar-lebar mbak, ntar keselek sendal swallow

@Unknown : mukanya biasa aja bisa kali mas...

@Robert Pattinson : Bener-bener jadi ga ganteng...

@Rihanna : liat foto dibelakang..

@Rihanna : idungnya kembang-kempis karna terlalu menghayati lagunya..

@Robert DeNiro : kalo ngantuk, tidur aja kek..

@Lupa namanya, maen di film Gossip Girl : ga ada seksinya sama sekali, percuma pasang tampang begitu. ck

READ MORE - Seleb Cangak Part II

Seleb Cangak Part I

Jumat, 18 November 2011

 PERHATIAN : Foto-foto ini dapat membuat anda terkena serangan jantung, stroke, ambeien, cacar air, hingga terkena Virus SEUHAH.

Ini teh foto-foto cangak seleb, sumpah bikin ngakak, terutama si David Beckham. ckck mari berngakak-ngakak ria.....

@David Beckham :Ya Allah bener-bener ga nahan ni foto, bikin gua ngakak

@Lindsay Lohan :Demi dah ni foto sesuatu banget  
Beginian mah muka-muka terkaget-kaget *apasih gaje

@chris Brown : Ini dia saingan si Tukul

@Sarah JParker : alhamdulillah ya, sesuatu

@Blake Fielder : abis konser, jadi antara alam nyata dan alam mimpi
@Lady gaga : terlalu napsu nih mukanya
@Justin Bieber : anda ngeledek sayah ? hah ? hah ?

@ga tau lupa namanya : cocok buat jadi bintang iklan Kuku Bima

@Miley Cyrus : awas mbak, udah cebok belom ? *frontal ah

@Beyonce : Sule ngeliatin tuh...parah parah

@Justin Timberlake : eh awas matanya ngga bisa balik lagi, natar akunya nangis..

@Hillary Clinton : Aduh.. kalo ga kepilih jadi Presiden ga usah gitu dong mukanya..

@George Clooney : Teringat akan orang yang lagi struk..

@Celine Dion: Abis kesetrum nih

@Celine Dion : parah ini mah, terlalu bersemangat

@Zoe Saldana : Awas matanya copot mba.. *pas jadi panitia acara MOS, melototin prasa-prasi terus

@Natalie Portman : beuh.. artis cantik bisa cangak juga

@Charlotte Church : apa coba ??

@Kim Kardashian : Muka pas keserimpet becak

@adiknya Britney : Mukanya mirip si amel pas lagi cangak

@DJ Pauly : Ga usah pake urat mas.. baso isi daging aja #naon sih ?
@Cameron Diaz : OMG
READ MORE - Seleb Cangak Part I

My Superman *0*

Kamis, 17 November 2011

@gaemgyu : itu lope-lope buat gua kali.....

@gemgyu : itu lagi senyam-senyum, pasti lagi mikirin gua..

@donghae : lagi bikin lagu buat gua nih.. haahaha wk
@Logan Lerman : Ya Ampuuuun.... Senyumnya bikin gua melting deh

READ MORE - My Superman *0*

Lumba-Lumba yang lulus TK

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Isinya Video Lumba-lumba yang lagi nyanyi "satu ditambah satu" pas di Ancol. Si Aswin aja waktu se-TK ama ni lumba-lumba aja kalah.. wkwkwk .

Ni video berisik banget, banyak orang yang tepuk tangan, kalau si Aswin mah beda sendiri, dia malah tepuk kaki (?). Kalo gua malah tepuk jidat, nah si DheaWon malah tepuk pramuka. ckckck *maap gaje, biasa, baru keluar dari apartemen Kyuhyun, suka salting gimanaaaaa..gitu.

READ MORE - Lumba-Lumba yang lulus TK

Big Family, Big Happiness

Foto-Foto Unyu Keponakan

Namaku Nayla
Ini lagi syuting iklan shampo Doggy *eh, maksudnya shampo Sunsilk
Gua : Aku cantik kan ?      Nayla : cantik bangeet  #ngancungin jempol

Namaku Shaura. Unyu beud deh...

Apa lo liat-liat ? Suka ? Idih najis ! #apacoba

My lovely Mom, she is the best woman in my life

READ MORE - Big Family, Big Happiness